Safety Scoops & Articles
OHS Release: Handling COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the workplace
OHS has released a timely article for employers that are unsure how to handle the issue of vaccine hesitancy in the workplace.
To read the full article please click here
Many employers are unsure how to handle the issue of vaccine hesitancy in their workplace, as vaccine programs continue to rollout across Canada. With this in mind, OHS has released a timely article that covers topics such as:
Will vaccines be mandatory?
How can employers handle workers’ concerns?
What should employers do when workers refuse the vaccine?
How can employers protect their business?
To read the full article please click here
COVID-19 Free Weekly Mental Fitness Webinar
CSSE Free Webinar Series “Tactics for maintaining Mental Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” This weekly discussion will examine the key behaviours organizations and individuals can do to maintain Mental Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Limited spots available. Register today.
Please click the title of this post for more information.
MHSA invites you to attend a free weekly webinar facilitated by Dr. Bill Howatt from Howatt HR which will examine how to maintain Mental Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic for organizations and individuals.
We thank AMHSA for presenting this weekly Mental Health Webinar Series in partnership with the Alberta Urban Municipality Association (AUMA) and the Canadian Society of Safety Engineering (CSSE).
Please click here for more information and to register.
Please note this webinar will be launched from the CSSE webpage, non-CSSE members can attend for free and just need to select the Non-Member Registration icon to register (see image below).
Need To Know Information From MHSA
NEW MHSA Virtual Course Offerings
Update on MHSA In Person Courses
Postponed Regional Update Meetings
COR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Please click here or the title of this post for more information.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, MHSA’s goal continues to be ensuring the wellbeing of our employees, our members, our class participants; and heeding government recommendations to do our part in the community to help reduce the risk and spread. In an effort of being responsive in this evolving situation MHSA has made the difficult decision to cancel all in person classroom training until April 30, 2020. We will be reassessing our position on a weekly basis.
We are excited to announce that MHSA instructors will be hosting Virtual Classroom training starting April 14th, 2020. Please see our classroom calendar for availability or contact your Regional MHSA Administrative Assistant to register. For a list of Virtual Course Offerings please click here.
Virtual Classroom Training Requirements
Access to a device with a screen (laptop, computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
Strong internet connection
Please note the course manual will be shipped a minimum of 5 days prior to your course date. This is included in the cost of the course.
Virtual Classroom Cancellation Policy
Once a manual has been shipped course cancellations will not be accepted
Additionally, we have postponed all Regional Update Meetings until further notice and appreciate your understanding.
The COR Department has created a Frequently Asked Questions document in response to the COR Contingency notice. All COR Updates can be found here moving forward. Please click here to download the COR FAQ document.
During this pandemic MHSA will be communicating pertinent information related to COVID-19 on our website Please check back often.
We appreciate your trust in the association as we work through these challenging times together and modify our business to accommodate our member’s needs. Please give us a call if you have any questions.
The team at MHSA.
Notice to Employer members and certified Auditors of the MHSA
MHSA understands that normal business activity has been significantly impacted across Alberta and globally due to COVID-19. Auditors and employers have concerns about how they can maintain their COR. Alberta Certifying Partners and Partnerships in Injury Reduction have been in consultation to develop a 2020 Certificate of Recognition Contingency Plan.
This release is to inform you of the 2020 Certificate of Recognition Contingency Plan which has been developed in consultation between Alberta Certifying Partners and Partnerships in Injury Reduction. Please ensure you read closely and take the necessary steps in completing your 2020 Audit. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your Regional MHSA office for guidance. These are trying times for us all, but we are here to support you through these challenges. To review the 2020 COR Contingency Plan please click here.
Canada's COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
It was announced yesterday by the Prime Minister that The Government of Canada is taking action to help Canadians facing hardship as a result of COVID-19 through an Economic Response Plan. Please click the title of this post for more information.
Yesterday, a new set of economic measures to assist in stabilizing the economy was announced. To read more about the support being offered to Canadians and to Businesses please click here.
Alberta has tested 14,447 individuals as of March 18 and has confirmed 119 cases. For current statistics and more information for Albertans please click here.
Coping With COVID-19: OHS Canada Webinar March 19
Please join OHS Canada for a webinar on COVID-19: What You Need To Know. Click here for more information and to register.
Please join OHS Canada for a webinar on COVID-19: What You Need To Know. Click here for more information and to register.
COVID-19: State of Emergency
Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency. Please click the title of this post for more information.
Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency. Aggressive measures are being taken to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Currently, there are 74 confirmed cases in Alberta and 342 in Canada.
New public health measures have been recommended to limit the time spent in large crowds and crowed spaces. Effective today:
all events over 50 people should be cancelled; including weddings, funerals, etc.
no attendance at rec. centres, casinos, bingo halls, bars, theatres and other facilities
sit-down restaurants can remain open at lower capacity
Please click here to visit the Alberta Health Services website to learn more or read the Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s update by clicking here.
COVID-19 Update: How MHSA is Responding
MHSA’s main concern is the health & safety of our employees, our members, our class participants, and the community. We have enacted a class size restriction cap of 10 and are practicing social distancing; keeping 2 meters from the nearest person. Please click the title of this post for more information.
The team at MHSA has been closely monitoring information related to the COVID-19 virus through credible and reliable sources of information to not only monitor, but assess the situation and refine our plans accordingly. These sources include The World Health Organization, the Canadian Government, and Alberta Health Services.
Our main concern is the health & safety of our employees, our members, our class participants and the community. Alberta Health Services has stated that the overall risk to Albertans associated with COVID-19 is low. With that said, we want to assure you that we have taken a calm, rational, proactive approach and have enacted a class size restriction cap of 10. We are strongly suggesting that everyone in our facility practices social distancing, keeping 2 meters from the nearest person. We can further assure you that MHSA employees have not traveled outside of Canada within the last 3 months and we are discouraging any unnecessary travel arrangements at this time.
We are following the Alberta Health Services and Alberta Government’s recommendations and have increased our sanitization regime for our classrooms, tables and chairs, common areas, door handles, washrooms, etc. Should information come in that may change MHSA’s plans or actions we will keep you informed and take the necessary precautions.
Presently, we are asking our members to be vigilant of any symptoms they may be experiencing. If you are experiencing any of the following, please call your local MHSA office to reschedule your training to a later date:
chills, shivering and a fever (temperature >38˚C)
onset of muscle aches and pains
sore throat
dry cough
trouble breathing
or if you have traveled within the last 14 days
MHSA has altered our cancellation policy in light of COVID-19. Should you need to cancel a participant from a course our three day policy is not in effect at this time.
To help protect you and your family please find below a list of ways you can practice preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses:
Wash your hands often and well
Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched
Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill
Contact your primary health provider or Health Link 811 if you have questions or concerns about your health
When sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands
A self-assessment tool is available on the Alberta Health Services website and may be found at the following link Please remember to protect yourself if you are out in public, wash your hands frequently and maintain a distance of about 2 meters from others.
We will provide timely updates and government recommendations as this situation continues to progress. We appreciate your trust in the association as we work through these challenging times together. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Rocky View Office Construction
If visiting the Rocky View office please park on the West side of the building only.
Additionally, building access is through the West and/or North entrance.
If visiting the Rocky View office please park on the West side of the building only.
Additionally, building access is through the West and/or North entrance.
Retirement Announcement
Brad Jones, Northern Regional Manager of the Edmonton office has made the decision to retire.
He has been involved with the association for more than 20 years and will be missed.
Brad Jones, Northern Regional Manager of the Edmonton office has made the decision to retire.
He has been involved with the association for more than 20 years and has worked hard in his various roles. Ice time and tee times are in the future and we wish him the very best in this next stage of life.