COVID-19: State of Emergency

Alberta has declared a state of public health emergency. Aggressive measures are being taken to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Currently, there are 74 confirmed cases in Alberta and 342 in Canada.

New public health measures have been recommended to limit the time spent in large crowds and crowed spaces. Effective today:

  • all events over 50 people should be cancelled; including weddings, funerals, etc.

  • no attendance at rec. centres, casinos, bingo halls, bars, theatres and other facilities

  • sit-down restaurants can remain open at lower capacity

Please click here to visit the Alberta Health Services website to learn more or read the Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s update by clicking here.


Coping With COVID-19: OHS Canada Webinar March 19


COVID-19 Update: How MHSA is Responding