Safety Scoops & Articles

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Safety Scoop August 2021: Is your workforce competent?

AUGUST 2021 | Is Your Workforce Competent?

Being competent in the workplace is more than just being able to perform a specific task. Determining competency is the employer’s responsibility. Download the Workforce Competency Safety Scoop today!

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Being competent in the workplace is more than just being able to perform a specific task. According to the OHS Code, competency is the combination of formal qualifications, continuous training, and sufficient experience that enables a worker to safely perform work with minimal supervision. It is the employer’s responsibility to determine competency within its workforce in order to maintain workplace safety. 

Here is the scoop:

  • Defining competency in five steps

  • Using realistic examples to determine competency

  • Available tools that can help you determine competency

  • And much more...

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Leading Safety

The MHSA Leading Safety course is the new and improved version of the Leadership for Safety Excellence course. Leading Safety will develop safety-conscious leaders by supplying supervisors and managers the necessary tools to effectively influence workers and ensure compliance with the company health and safety management system. Supervisors and managers will learn how to measure their success as workplace ladders through tracking and trending, performance observation, enforcement, training and education, and developing a productive and inclusive culture.

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Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!

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Safety Scoop July 2021: Work Site Inspection Preparedness

JULY 2021 | Work Site Inspection Preparedness

An inspection is a careful examination of a work site to identify any hazards, defects, unsafe behaviours or conditions that may be present. Download the Work Site Inspection Preparedness Safety Scoop today!

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An inspection is a careful examination of a work site to identify any hazards, defects, unsafe behaviours or conditions that may be present. Inspection findings are compared to company and code industry standards to ensure a work site is compliant, and/or to determine if additional protocols are necessary. Employers are legally required to maintain a safe and healthy working environment that lowers the risk of injury and increases productivity for all.

Here is the scoop:

  • The different types of inspections

  • How to prepare for an inspection

  • The safety tools you must have available to your workforce

  • How to recognize different types of hazards

  • Additional inspection training resources

  • And much more…

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Hazard Assessment 

This MHSA course teaches you how to properly identify, assess and control workplace hazards in accordance with Alberta OHS legislation. Participants will learn the MHSA basic method of recognizing, evaluating and documenting workplace hazards.


Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!

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Safety Scoop June 2021: Potential for Serious Injury (PSI)

JUNE 2021 | Potential for Serious Injury

Learning about PSIs is essential to creating a safe and healthy workplace - from identifying where PSIs can happen to preventing and reporting them. Download the Potential for Serious Injury Safety Scoop today!

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A PSI is any event where, under slightly different circumstances, a reasonable person could determine a high likelihood for a serious injury to happen. Learning about PSIs is essential to creating a safe and healthy workplace - from identifying where PSIs can happen to preventing and reporting them.

Here is the scoop:

  • How to identify a PSI

  • Assessing PSI reporting data over the last several years

  • How to prevent, investigate, and report a PSI 

  • MHSA courses that cover PSI reporting and training in Alberta

  • And much more...

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Many MHSA courses contain practical training that focus on preventing, reporting, and navigating PSIs in the workplace. Navigating OHS, Principles of Workplace Investigations, Basic Rigging, Overhead Crane Operator and more!

Principles of Workplace Investigation

This newly-adapted, one-day course will allow participants to gain an understanding of the purpose and benefits of conducting investigations, the steps to follow and evidence to gather to conduct a thorough incident investigation.


Other MHSA courses that cover PSI training include Navigating OHS, Basic Rigging, Overhead Crane Operator, and more!

Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!

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Safety Scoop May 2021: Workplace Hazards: Harassment & Violence

MAY 2021 | Workplace Hazards

Do you know what part YOU play when it comes to workplace hazards? Employers, supervisors and workers have a shared duty to create a positive, healthy and safe working environment. Download the Safety Scoop today!

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Do you know what part YOU play? Employers, supervisors and workers have a shared duty to create a positive, healthy and safe working environment. Here is the scoop:

  • Hazard identification, harassment is a hazard

  • Workers three basic rights

  • Forms of harassment and violence

  • Warning signs and impacts

Get the Training

Every worksite in Alberta must have a harassment and violence prevention plan in place. This one-day course will not only comply with OH&S regulations, but will also uncover the realities and costs these types of hazards present to your organization.

Watch this video and learn more about our Workplace Harassment Training.

Go to our course calendar to see availability in your region, and register today!

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