Safety Scoops & Articles

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MHSA Vaccination Policy Update

*This policy is no longer in effect as of February 25, 2022. The MHSA is currently following all AHS guidelines and jurisdictional bylaws to ensure the safety of our staff and visitors. *

MHSA considers the protection and promotion of health, safety, and environment (HSE) a fundamental value and corporate responsibility governing all its activities. Our aim is to be a leader in the promotion of workplace safety demonstrated through a health and safety culture. MHSA’s leadership is sharing, advocating, and stewarding the COVID-19 Vaccination policy for the health and wellness of its employees, and the whole community.

Effective January 1st, 2022, MHSA class participants, contractors, and visitors are required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or to provide proof of a negative test result within the last 72 hours. The 72 hours should cover the entire course dates scheduled or a secondary negative COVID test will be required in order to complete the course program.

To verify vaccination status class participants, contractors and visitors will be required to provide their unique QR code or a negative test result with government issued photo ID.

Virtual options are also still available to participants that cannot meet the COVID-19 vaccination requirements.

We will continue practicing our other safety measures to protect against the spread of COVID-19. These include:

  • Health screening

  • Social distancing

  • Masking in classes and hallways

  • Small class sizes

  • Hand sanitizing stations throughout our facilities

  • Plexiglass barriers at student check-in desks and reception

  • No watercoolers or coffee machines in classrooms

This policy will remain in place for an undefined period as long as the risks and impact of COVID-19 are present. The policy will be reviewed on a regular basis and amended as required.

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NEW COVID-19 Update: How MHSA is Responding

At MHSA, we are committed to the health and safety of our staff, members and all classroom participants. With the recent tightening of the COVID-19 health and safety measures, announced by the Alberta Government on September 15, 2021, we are taking action to follow them and help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Starting immediately MHSA will follow the below practices to ensure everyone’s health and safety.

At MHSA, we are committed to the health and safety of our staff, members and all classroom participants. With the recent tightening of the COVID-19 health and safety measures, announced by the Alberta Government on September 15, 2021, we are taking action to follow them and help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Starting immediately MHSA will follow the below practices to ensure everyone’s health and safety.

Contacting the MHSA :

  • Employer and member contact will be made by phone, email or via virtual meetings, unless approved by management

In-person Classes :

In-person courses will still happen with the following restrictions:

  • Classes in small classrooms will have a cap of 9 students per class

  • Classes in large classrooms will have a cap of 18 students per class

  • Social distancing of 2 m between student desks will be enforced for all classes

  • Students will be checked for temperature and answer a COVID questionnaire before going into a class

  • If there are multiple classes occurring at the same time, breaks times will be staggered.

  • No water coolers or coffee machines in classes

  • Masks are required to enter the facility and throughout the facility (i.e. hallways, washrooms etc.).

  • Masks may be removed by students during a course when seated at their desk

We ask that any company wishing to do onsite training with us follow these same measures. These procedures will be verified prior to MHSA staff arrival on site.

These measures will remain in place until at least October 1st, when they will be reviewed again.

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