How Safety Training Can Improve Your Workplace

Studies and statistical information have found that one of the best ways to ensure your employees stay safe in and around the workplace is to offer them safety training from day one of their employment, and to ensure ongoing job training. In addition to preventing accidents, a safety training course can have a big impact on your profitability, production, quality of product, and safety of all conducting tasks. Training will also lead to other benefits — especially when you receive training from a qualified provider. Here are a few compelling advantages to consider.

1. Keep Production Active

Accidents Incidents, injuries, and illnesses (regardless of severity) often mean the company may have to stop work entirely. This could include the investigation, stop work orders, and maintenance or repair of equipment, machinery, or product. Every minute production is on pause is time you’re not generating revenue.

2. Reduce Absenteeism

An injured employee is also unable to work for some time, meaning you may be missing out on an important skill set. This is most pronounced for workers between the ages of 45 and 55 who, on average, take the highest number of days off work after suffering an injury.

3. Create a Culture of Safety

Workplace culture is under your control in many ways. By providing regular training, you show employees that safety is an important value at your company and therefore promote a culture of safety.

4. Decrease Turnover

Safety training shows employees that you care about their wellbeing. If they feel it’s unlikely they’ll suffer an accident at work, they’re more likely to stay on your team.

5. Better Support Your Employees

It makes sense to support and assist your employees to become the best they can be at their jobs. Sometimes it’s difficult to identify who is struggling, but ongoing, job-specific safety training and periodic competency assessments can help uncover opportunities for improvement. If you notice that any workers in particular are making many mistakes during the training, you can provide them with additional support going forward.

6. Improve Communication

Employees who know that you care about their safety are more likely to come to you if they see any causes for concern. They may point out hazards you were unaware existed or have ideas about how the company could improve.

7. Save Money on Associated Costs

When you choose a qualified provider for your training, it’s common to spend less. This is because there’s no need to dedicate resources to creating a training program nor to spend on printing costs and paper to make your own materials.

Find occupational health and safety courses for your team at MHSA. We offer courses in areas like Safety Basics and Safety Awareness, both virtually and in the classroom. Check out our calendar to find dates to suit your needs.


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