Have your say about changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Code

Alberta’s government continues to update and improve occupational health and safety laws to make them easier to understand and apply for employers and workers. This will help them achieve better workplace health and safety outcomes. You can help us by providing your input on proposed changes to the Occupational Health and Safety Code (OHS Code).

The OHS Code has not been extensively updated since 2009 and changes are overdue. By reviewing the OHS Code, Alberta’s government wants to ensure health and safety rules keep pace with changes to workplaces, standards, new best practices and technological advances. The review will also help streamline and simplify OHS Code requirements.

This is the first year of the three-year review plan for the OHS Code. This year, we are reviewing changes required by the recently-passed Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act. We are also reviewing parts of the OHS Code that require the most immediate updates.

We encourage you to provide your input on proposed changes to the OHS Code by filling out the online survey. You may fill out all parts of the survey or only those that interest you. Please provide your input by May 10, 2021.

Please contact us at lbr.ohsreview@gov.ab.ca if you have any questions about the survey or the three-year review plan.

Thank you in advance for participating in the survey. Your input will help us update OHS Code rules, making them easier to understand and follow and helping ensure Albertans make it home safely from work each day.

Take The Survey Before May 10, 2021


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