COR Benefits

Prove your commitment to safety, and join others that are seeing lower fatality rates, reduced lost-time claim rates, decreased disability rates and a more competitive position in industry. Get a COR!

Recognition by Industry

Many Alberta businesses now expect contractors to hold a valid COR when bidding on any job. COR is fast becoming an expectation in the industry. By achieving a COR, employers are able to demonstrate that their health and safety management system has been developed, implemented, and evaluated on an annual basis through comprehensive internal and external audits. You will receive recognition in the industry from other employers, contractors and trades people for your health and safety standards.

Attract Employees

Having a COR, a corporate culture of safety and a record of fewer injuries shows your employees, potential employees and their families that you care about their well-being. Employers with a more desirable work environment are considered employers-of-choice. New hires are looking for a safe place to work with companies that are committed to safety. Having a COR means that management cares for staff.

Potential Financial Gains

Employers with a COR can generate potential solid returns on their investment in health and safety. Achieving and maintaining a valid COR is required for earning a financial incentive through the WCB Partnerships in Injury Reduction (PIR) program. Through this program, the Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) works with Alberta Human Services, industry partners, safety associations, employers and labour groups to offer WCB premium incentives.

To determine the refund amount you may be eligible for, there are three different performance measures to use. In reviewing your performance, the measure that helps you achieve the greatest refund will always be used.

Achieving a Certificate of Recognition (COR)

Alberta Human Services and MHSA awards a COR to those employers who have a health and safety management system that meets a standard set by MHSA.

To achieve a COR, employer’s audits must obtain a score of at least 50% on each element of their audit, and an overall score of 80%.

Once an employer has earned a COR, they are eligible for a 10% industry rate refund for the first year and then 5% every year they maintain their COR.

Improving your Performance

​Employers’ performance will be compared to their own historical record. Employers can earn industry rate rebates if they improve their claim cost performance.

Employers will receive a 1% refund for every 1% they improve their performance—up to a maximum of 20%.

Maintaining Industry Leadership

​​Employers’ performance will be compared to their industry average. Employers who perform significantly better than their industry average over two consecutive years in claim costs can earn larger refunds

Employers can earn from 10% (for performing 50% better than industry average) to the maximum 20% (for performing 90% better than industry average) with graduated refunds in between.