September 2023 Safety Scoop: Back Injury Prevention

Back Injury Prevention

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September 2023

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This month we would like to highlight Back Injury Prevention. These injuries not only happen in the workplace, but also through daily activities. Back injuries can be very painful and can degenerate over time which can significantly impact your life long term.

Here's the Scoop:

  • Material Handling Guidelines

  • Basic Lifting and Lowering Techniques

  • Maintaining a healthy back

    And more!

Get the Training

Back Injury Prevention

Ergonomics is the science of designing the work environment, equipment, tasks and job to the worker. Good ergonomics is proven to lessen muscle fatigue, increase productivity and reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs). AHS offers two free online modules: one for basic awareness on injuries, and prevention strategies, and the second on Manual Material Handling which teaches you to reduce risks and prevent injuries.

Musculoskeletal Injury (MSI) Prevention course:

  1. Describe what musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) are and recognize how they can happen;

  2. Identify how to assess workplace hazards, risk factors and controls to reduce risk of injury;

  3. Demonstrate ways to prevent musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) and recognize what to do if they get injured at work; and

  4. Identify next steps for completing the AHS injury prevention training.

Manual Materials Handling course:

  • Recognize workplace hazards and risk factors that could lead to an injury for manual handling tasks;

  • Assess hazards and identify controls that can reduce the risk of injury from manual handling tasks; and

  • Identify safe body positions and movements for manual handling.

Visit our course calendar to explore other courses, see availability in your region, and register today!


October 2023 Safety Scoop: Personal Cost of Workplace Injuries


August 2023 Safety Scoop: Forklift Safety